Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Inflation Will Cause Many to File Bankruptcy in the Next Few Years

As 2013 roars up upon us, many Americans are starting to see inflation like we have never seen before. What is funny is how the Department of Commerce has changed the way they report data to make inflation seem like it's almost nonexistent. We do know that over the last year the rate of Americans filing for bankruptcy has declined slightly. Is this a trend or is it a fluke? It doesn't seem like the economy is getting better and we have now seen QE1, QE2, the twist and now QE3. Billions of dollars has been thrown into the economy and nothing is getting any better. Four years ago the average price of a gallon of gas was $1.85, now that same gallon of gas is close to four dollars. Recently, they reported that inflation was less than 2%. This doesn't make any sense if you go to the grocery store you will see that a gallon of milk is up about 25%, coffee is up 90%, orange juice is almost up 50%, Turkey is up 50% and beef is up 60%. I don't know about you but it seems to me that inflation is going to cause more Americans to file bankruptcy in the near future.

A better title for this article should have been the incredible shrinking dollar but I'm more concerned with the long-term impact of the average American. It doesn't make any sense with the news that's being put out by the mainstream media. According to them, this must be the new normal. After further investigation it makes more sense to see how the numbers have changed. The government added in housing, which is currently deflationary, to the inflation numbers and that's how they are reporting that inflation is being kept in check. When American families know that their paycheck does not go as far, they will turn to credit to fill the void. At some point in time the credit will overwhelm the budget making the idea of kicking the can down the road no longer work. This is where the idea that many more Americans will have to file bankruptcy to eliminate this debt that they have accumulated to subsidize their income.

Americans need a reality check and should not feel bad about filing for bankruptcy to eliminate debt. For many, it is not an option but it's more about survival. The idea of becoming debt-free is something that will end up in history books covered with dust. Creditors with the help of the government, have put American citizens in bondage to the lending institutions of the world. The only hope for many of these Americans is to file for bankruptcy and cut the ties. When Corporations file bankruptcy, it's good business. When an individual has to file bankruptcy, it's dishonest to not pay your bills. That is a stigma that we all need to put behind us. A capitalistic society would not survive without having bankruptcy filing is a way out when things fall apart. People should not feel embarrassed about having to consult a bankruptcy lawyer about their financial situation. Most of the time they will leave the bankruptcy lawyer being encouraged that they are not alone during these tough times.

Filing Bankruptcy? Don't Worry About What You Lose But What You Gain   Inflation Will Cause Many to File Bankruptcy in the Next Few Years   

Inflation Will Cause Many to File Bankruptcy in the Next Few Years

As 2013 roars up upon us, many Americans are starting to see inflation like we have never seen before. What is funny is how the Department of Commerce has changed the way they report data to make inflation seem like it's almost nonexistent. We do know that over the last year the rate of Americans filing for bankruptcy has declined slightly. Is this a trend or is it a fluke? It doesn't seem like the economy is getting better and we have now seen QE1, QE2, the twist and now QE3. Billions of dollars has been thrown into the economy and nothing is getting any better. Four years ago the average price of a gallon of gas was $1.85, now that same gallon of gas is close to four dollars. Recently, they reported that inflation was less than 2%. This doesn't make any sense if you go to the grocery store you will see that a gallon of milk is up about 25%, coffee is up 90%, orange juice is almost up 50%, Turkey is up 50% and beef is up 60%. I don't know about you but it seems to me that inflation is going to cause more Americans to file bankruptcy in the near future.

A better title for this article should have been the incredible shrinking dollar but I'm more concerned with the long-term impact of the average American. It doesn't make any sense with the news that's being put out by the mainstream media. According to them, this must be the new normal. After further investigation it makes more sense to see how the numbers have changed. The government added in housing, which is currently deflationary, to the inflation numbers and that's how they are reporting that inflation is being kept in check. When American families know that their paycheck does not go as far, they will turn to credit to fill the void. At some point in time the credit will overwhelm the budget making the idea of kicking the can down the road no longer work. This is where the idea that many more Americans will have to file bankruptcy to eliminate this debt that they have accumulated to subsidize their income.

Americans need a reality check and should not feel bad about filing for bankruptcy to eliminate debt. For many, it is not an option but it's more about survival. The idea of becoming debt-free is something that will end up in history books covered with dust. Creditors with the help of the government, have put American citizens in bondage to the lending institutions of the world. The only hope for many of these Americans is to file for bankruptcy and cut the ties. When Corporations file bankruptcy, it's good business. When an individual has to file bankruptcy, it's dishonest to not pay your bills. That is a stigma that we all need to put behind us. A capitalistic society would not survive without having bankruptcy filing is a way out when things fall apart. People should not feel embarrassed about having to consult a bankruptcy lawyer about their financial situation. Most of the time they will leave the bankruptcy lawyer being encouraged that they are not alone during these tough times.

Filing Bankruptcy? Don't Worry About What You Lose But What You Gain   Inflation Will Cause Many to File Bankruptcy in the Next Few Years   

Filing Bankruptcy? Don't Worry About What You Lose But What You Gain

Now that we are once again heading into a holiday season most Americans put a high priority on materialism. As consumer debt continues to rise many Americans will be considering filing bankruptcy once again for their New Year's resolution. Most people take on the attitude that they will have one more outrageous Christmas on their credit cards and then start working on becoming debt-free even if it means filing for bankruptcy. But instead of taking care of business now, the pain is pushed off to 2013.

The good news is a bankruptcy filing can break the bondage of debt and free your soul. When we look at how materialistic and superficial the world has gotten we need to look at what the Bible says about it. In Matthew 16:26 Jesus made a strong statement regarding this, "For what willit profit a manif he gainsthe whole world and forfeits his soul? Basically, he is saying that you can't take the stuff with you, so you need to get your priorities in check. The last time I checked, you never see a hearse towing a U-Haul trailer. Basically, Americans are putting themselves in debt so they can have everything they want. What they give up is the debt ends up owning them. Many families end up breaking up as the debt becomes overwhelming that was created so they could have the big house, the fancy cars and give their kids everything they asked for. We see this scenario played out over and over again in American culture where it ends up in divorce, a foreclosure and a bankruptcy filing.

People especially today should be aware of what's going on economically nationwide and take the steps to put their personal financial future in check. For some people, filing bankruptcy might be the best way for them to put their debt behind them and get a second chance at becoming debt-free in the future. Since the housing market blew up back in 2007, many Americans have been scraping along hoping that things will turn around. While hope is good, there becomes a point in time where common sense has to come into the picture. People really need to take a hard look in what is in the future for the industry they are in and how it will affect their finances. The way it looks now for the economy is this is the new normal. Thinking any differently is utter foolishness.

Being proactive when it comes to financial matters will help alleviate any stress that comes with being behind on bills. When someone gets to the point that they are robbing Peter to pay Paul they should consider seeking the advice of a bankruptcy attorney to see if filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy might have something to offer for their personal situation. It doesn't mean that they have to file bankruptcy immediately, but it might give the individual some information that could prepare them for what is to come whether it be good or bad.

All we need to do is remember that knowledge is power and the more knowledge you have about financial matters including filing bankruptcy will give an individual an upper leg on getting out of debt quickly and get on the road to becoming debt-free. Many famous people have done exactly this and are now successful giants in industry. Instead of waiting around for things to turn around people should be proactive especially in this economy and consult a bankruptcy attorney before it's too late.

Filing Bankruptcy? Don't Worry About What You Lose But What You Gain   Inflation Will Cause Many to File Bankruptcy in the Next Few Years   

How to Set an Email Auto-Responder?

It is not a tough task at all to set up an email auto-responder. For setting an autoresponder for your email account you first need to create a text file in your account which would be the body of the autoresponder. After you have created it you need to open that particular file and then create the body where the message of the auto-responder is written. Then you need to login to Webmin and there you need to substitute the name of the server with the name of the actual server that you are using for your account. Then you should go to the Servers section and then click on the Virtualmin Virtual Servers button. There under the Domain Name you should click on the domain name that you need to add the auto-responder to. Then on the Edit Server Page you need to go to the bottom and then click on Edit Mail and FTP Users button. Now you will be able to see all the mail users that are there in the particular domain.

In the next step you need to go to the Name button and then click on the name of the email user to whom you want to send your auto-responder. Now you need to send the autoresponder and for that you should go the Select box in the right of the Email forwarding destinations and there choose the Autoreply option from the file. In the field that is located beside the Select box you need to type the path of the auto-responder file.

If you want to receive the emails in this mailbox then you have to choose the option "This User's Mailbox" in the next Select box which is just under the first one and do not have to type anything in the corresponding text field. If this second option is not chosen then your mail will be responded and then will be deleted. Now click on the Save option so that the changes are saved.

Affiliate Marketing Tips: Use an Auto-Responder   How To Use Email Marketing Autoresponders Effectively   Autoresponders to Boost Business - Tips and Information   The Best TrafficWave Review Ever   Using Autoresponders Is Helpful in Internet Marketing   

Autoresponders - What You Should Know

Autoresponder services are one of the most widely used marketing tools online today. This service is also known as automated email, mailbot, email responder, and even autosender, but regardless of what you call it, it is one of the most effective marketing tools that you can find. When you employ the use of autoresponders, you can save time and effort in your business. Then, you can use that time and energy to focus on other areas of your business. All autoresponders work the same way, automatically sending a message when the parameters are met by the program. You can set up these parameters any way that you like.

Having an autoresponder service can provide your business with many benefits. Of course, these systems are also widely abused on the internet and you need to be careful so that you don't get yourself a bad reputation by using these systems. You should always make sure that you use your personal email to sign up for services or submit your website to search engines. The autoresponder should only be used for emails to customers who have signed up at your website to receive communications. Otherwise, you will likely face a lot of issues along the way.

You should also never use an autoresponder to solicit customers. This is annoying and is technically known as spam. Only email customers that are on your mailing list and who have volunteered to receive messages. Otherwise, you will lose business and get a bad reputation for spamming people, which no one appreciates. As long as you take care of your autoresponder service and make sure that you use it correctly, it can provide your business with increased sales and plenty of other benefits.

An autoresponder should not be chosen solely based on its cost. Instead, you should look at the included features of the service, the reputation of the provider, and other elements to determine which system is the best for your needs. The good news is that you can always find an affordable service as long as you are willing to take the time to look. If you are searching for an easy, affordable solution to marketing for your business, this is it. Use it wisely and you will reap the rewards. If you don't follow the rules, however, you could face serious consequences. Make sure that you understand what you're getting involved with before you employ these services, as well.

Affiliate Marketing Tips: Use an Auto-Responder   How To Use Email Marketing Autoresponders Effectively   Autoresponders to Boost Business - Tips and Information   The Best TrafficWave Review Ever   

Ready to Build a Website? Here's What You Need

When your website is set up correctly, and focused just right on your ideal clients, it can be a 24/7 sales and marketing tool for your business. Unfortunately, far too many small business owners are missing out on important keys that can make or break their businesses. Don't be one of them! Having a great website is a non-negotiable in 2012! You have to have an effective, strategic online presence in order to grow your business.

Here are five key areas for your profit focused website:

1. Your website platform. I've said it before and I'll say it again - WordPress is the BEST platform for your profit focused website. It's easy to update with new posts, even for a non-techie, and has all of the behind the scenes functions that you'll need to get found by search engines and ideal customers alike. You can create a website with pages and posts or a more traditional blog style website.

Be warned - there are two types of WordPress. WordPress.org is a free blogging platform that is hosted on WordPress's site. What you'll need for your WordPress website is the version available at WordPress.com.

2. Your website theme. One of the reasons that WordPress is such a good choice for your business website is because of the myriad of themes available. You can select a theme that fits your site's purpose and then have it customized by a WordPress expert. There are lots of free and premium themes available that can take your website from bland to spectacular. Visit StudioPress, ThemeForest, iThemes or WooThemes for a theme that fits your brand and your needs.

3. Domain Registration and Hosting. Of course, the best WordPress theme in the world isn't going to do you a while lot of good without a domain name and web hosting! Your domain registration will allow you to host a site at a web address. Try to choose something memorable, not too long and connected to your business name. Your hosting is a monthly fee that will allow you to host your website at that domain name. It holds all of the files, images and content that people see when you visit your site.

If this seems like Greek to you, don't worry! There are several companies that offer domain names and hosting together in the same package. Try out GoDaddy, BlueHost or HostGator for your domain registration and hosting needs. Typically you'll pay a one-time fee for a domain name and then a monthly hosting cost for your website.

4. Royalty-free Images. You can't have a profitable website without images, but you can't just Google an image and use it on your site either. You have to use images that are free for your use - called "royalty free." These images are available for use on your website without paying a photographer a hefty fee. Although there are some sites that offer royalty free images for free, your best bet is to go with a microstock photography website. These sites normally have better quality images that you can use on your site and in your marketing materials. I prefer Dreamstime and iStockPhoto. They both have a great selection of images.

5. Copywriting. Copywriting is essential to your profit-focused website. Your pages and blog posts need to speak to your ideal customers and motivate them to take the next step with you. A copywriter can take your basic message and turn it into something that really compels your audience to make a purchase, sign up for your course or reach out to connect with you.

You can find a copywriter by asking for referrals. If you know other small or solo business owners who has a website that makes them money, ask them about their copy and who created it. Choose writer who experience developing effective web copy for your target market.

Another option is to post a project on Elance.com. With Elance, hundreds of copywriters will bid on your project and you can select the one with the right qualifications and price for your needs. Elance copywriters are rated based on their past projects, so you can be assured that the writer you're working with knows his or her stuff!

With the right platform, theme and copywriting, your small business website can become the profit driving machine that you're looking for. Look into these resources if you need a new website, or want to revamp your old one.

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